Module Element
We have 37 post module elements, you can create unlimited news, blog, or magazine site design using all Elementor Block and widgets.
We have 37 post module elements, you can create unlimited news, blog, or magazine site design using all Elementor Block and widgets.
Very nice and easy, you simply drag and drop the module in the desired location on the page you created.
High coding standard make it lightweight and faster than rest of page builder add-ons on the market.
Very nice and easy, you simply drag and drop the module in the desired location on the page you created.
Compose website layout with Live Frontend editor, see changes in real-time. You can use Epic News Elements with the best page builder available to day : Elementor & WPBakery (formerly known as Visual Composer) Page builder.
Choose the style header in the Module Epic News Element that you love easily with one click.
Use the header filter to filtering the post in your module, you can add categories, author and tags, in addition you can change the initial text from the category list in the top right corner.
Show the post you want with built-in filtering option for post or custom post type. You can use include or exclude feature for category, tag, author, appropriate post or skip some post with offset option. Avoid duplicated posts by grouping them into Unique Post Group.
The pagination function is the number of posts that will be replaced on each of your pages. Therefore, we have prepared it for you, each module has pagination feature. From normal pagination, next / prev, more vomiting, and turn on automatically on scroll.
Add or customize the modules you use with your creativity, make more interesting, you simply put them down easily, you can add a shadow-box, make boxed, and with a light or dark scheme.
Each module on Epic News Element has a smart feature to adapt to the size of the current column you put them into. The module design will be automatically arranged to fit with the width of the column. Some module will look totally different on different column size.